Dear Mayor Mcmullen, hope this email finds you well and staying cool in this monstrous heat wave. This is a letter of alert, not intent. Last night I spent 15 minutes outside of "BREWCHEESE" a little eatery on the corner of Scudder Ave. and Woodbine. I was waiting for a take out order. I waited for 15 minutes, near to the 5G booster on the pole recently erected and installed.
It is of great concern to many of us, but last night I got to feel why. After I got home, I got the feeling of being irradiated, a feeling I know all too well. I felt awful, my head was bogged down, heavy and a slight headache...my exposure was minimal, but I still had a frightening reaction, and it lasted thru the night. Anyone who spends inordinate amounts of time near this device can expect to get sick at some point.
Today I feel better, but I know that the radiation coming from that booster is what made me sick. It is very hard to describe the symptoms of radiation poisoning, but I have been dealing with this affliction since 2012, due to the prolonged exposure to SCWA's smart meter. I have been thru hell and am lucky to be alive.
This 5G booster is going to cause serious illness, sickness and possibly death to those living in and around it....and all those who are in the direct line of fire will eventually come down with a disorder, or even cancer. It is a monster and the technology is not to be taken lightly as far as how it affects the human brain and body, cells are destroyed from this kind of bombardment and during this cell destruction, virus' are released, we may even be able to connect this "covid19" sickness to the introduction and deployment of 5G.
I am not going to get hysterical about it, I was able to use protocols that I have to help alleviate the effects of radiation poisoning, such as iodine, vitamin C, Zinc, and cranial sacral manipulation, which I do at home.
We are under a serious human and global threat with the deployment of 5g and many of us are the "canaries" who can detect it, as we suffer the effects of it. I don't want to make trouble for you, I want people to be safe and this technology is not going to keep us safe, in fact, it will do just the opposite.
As a resident, and for 60 years, I feel it is my civic duty to keep people in my community safe. What can be done so that I and others do not fall victim to this lethal rollout and deployment of millimeter waves?
I hope this letter is important to you. My life is important to me and my family. And my neighbor's lives are important to them.
Please look into this matter, have someone, an expert, take readings and have these readings recorded. I can no longer spend any time near that 5G apparatus. I pay taxes to the village and the town, I should be able to amble about without worrying about my health and safety from technology installed by money making conglomerates who have not done any testing on how 5G affects us and are using us as guinea pigs to see how many will die.
There is talk that covid is nothing more then the systematic breakdown of our cells from all this wireless and now 5G, as Wuhan was the epicenter and it is where massive 5G towers were deployed, that is what killed the people of Wuhan, the virus came from the destruction of cells, we do not need the introduction of high speed connectivity without any oversight, regulations or testing. How this even happened or was allowed is criminal in and of itself. Our local leaders have been hoodwinked and sold a plan of annihilation to the population. How did this happen?
It is time to wake up to the slow assassination of this nation and all nations. What is the hidden agenda? We all want to know? What voice do you have? How can you keep us safe?
When can we expect to be able to voice our concerns at town hall meetings again? Can you please contact me, thru email and let me know you received my written complaint and urgent community concern?
Thank you for reading this and hopefully, you will respond. I am a victim of wireless and smart technology, it has side railed my life and this technology changes our spirit, our mental well being and our lives, forcing us to become recluse in our homes. Should the technology be installed in front of my home, it will definitely not bode well for me. I am kinda young and do not want to die.
Thank you,
sincerely long term resident and mother of 3
The Link LonkJuly 29, 2020 at 11:04PM
The dangers in our midst, relating to recently erected 5G booster - Northport, NY - Patch.com
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