NEEDLES — The City of Needles has received a grant from the California State Water Resources Control Board to replace the Lilyhill Water Booster Station located on the corner of Lilyhill and Clary.
Epic Engineering submitted a proposal to begin design work for the Lillyhill Water Booster Station in the amount not to exceed $157,730.
Background information provided by city staff stated that the city requires a project of this magnitude to have an engineered set of plans. Once the new station is built and operational, the old station will be taken offline and demolished. The budget amount will be used toward engineering design (survey, equipment selection, pump station drawings, reviews and cost estimates), bidding and award services and construction management services.
The engineering design total cost comes in at $98,540, the bidding and award services total comes in at $6,450, the construction management services total cost comes in at $59,190. Some of the tasks in the engineering design, bidding and award services and the construction management services are to be done by the city engineer and city staff.
The total not to exceed $157,730 is being funded by the California State Water Resources Control Board grant.
The city council unanimously approved Epic Engineering’s proposal to begin design work for the Lillyhill Water Booster Station duringitsmeetingonAug.11.
The Link LonkAugust 24, 2020 at 11:41PM
Grant to allow replacement of booster station | Needles Desert Star - Mohave Valley News
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