The Forest Park Band Boosters held their monthly meeting on Monday, Oct. 5, 2020. President Brett Eckert welcomed boosters. Minutes from the last booster meeting were approved. A brief financial report was given.
Duane Lorey reported that the football concessions are going well and there are only a couple of games left.
Donna Weyer reported that this Saturday at 9 a.m. the can and paper drive will be held and help is needed.
Bret Eckert reported that Nov. 1 is the first game for basketball and the band boosters have picked the games they will work. The remainder of the schedule will be sent out to the different clubs so they can sign up to work concessions. Bret mentioned that Doug Louden wanted to remind all workers to wear gloves and masks.
The Night with the Marching Rangers event has been possibly moved to the spring.
Discount cards will be handed out on Friday night at the community performance. Every card sold a student will receive $5 in their band account.
Karen Brown reported that the Chicken and Dumpling Soup Sale will be on Nov. 14 and all orders need to be picked up at the Forest Park Band Booster building at the 4-H fairgrounds from 2 to 4 p.m. Mr. Obermeyer will be handing out order forms to all marching band members to take pre-orders and ordering information will be posted on Facebook and the newspaper.
The Dine and Dance committee reported that everything is set for Feb. 13, tickets just need to be printed.
John Brosmer reported that the box truck was taken to Apex Trailer to order the part that was needed and Bret Eckert reported that the trailer will be getting new decals.
Karen Brown reported that 735 raffle tickets have been sold and 1,100 have been printed. Erin Sprinkle has volunteered to take over the raffle tickets. October winners of the raffle are: $300 winner Sylvester Voegerl, $100 winners are Glenn and Julie Lindauer, Tim Hentrup, Nancy Laake, Doris Klem, and Joe and Dannette Wendholt.
Mr. Obermeyer gave a director’s report. He reported that he will be contacting companies to get quotes for next year’s band trip. Mr. Obermeyer reported how successful the weekend went and the number of compliments he received from other schools' parents on the student’s performance. A video of this weekend’s performance will be sent to ISSMA to be judged. He is hoping to have copies of the performance for sale for $5 each. Friday’s Community Performance will be held at the practice field and he praised the students/parents for ending the seasons on a good note.
Bret Eckert mentioned that he is in contact with the Ferdinand library to hold next month’s meeting.
Andy Hassfurther made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Beth Fleck second the motion.
The Link Lonk
October 08, 2020 at 01:15AM
Forest Park Band Boosters - The Herald
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