Canada has millions of extra COVID shots on order, but should we save those for third doses, or help the world’s poorest countries get their first one?

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With the provinces still hurrying to get second COVID vaccine doses into bodies, it seems odd to be talking boosters, third doses. Can’t we just celebrate this moment, of “sustained national decline” in COVID and glorious reopenings, and catch our breath?
Most Canadians have been, or will be, getting second dosed from May through July, and published data suggest “very little drop off” in antibody levels by several months out, said University of Toronto immunologist Tania Watts. Unlike the United Kingdom, which, according to the BBC, is planning for an autumn “booster jab” rollout, Watts very much doubts the Canadian general public would need a third dose in the fall.
Beyond that, the situation gets murky. “If we need it, could it be as early as next spring? Possibly,” she said. Two or three years? Again, possibly. These are new vaccines and a new virus and it’s hard to predict. But assuming immunity will, at some point, wane, “I think there has to be an option to be ready to roll out the vaccine again,” Watts said.
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The World Health Organization estimates boosters will be needed yearly for the most vulnerable, and every two years for the general population, according to an internal document seen by Reuters. An independent group advising the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, isn’t yet swayed booster shots are necessary, though Moderna and Pfizer are already trialling third doses of their formulas.
While more data are needed, talk of boosters is also raising the issue of vaccine hoarding. Canada has committed more than $1 billion to buy up to 282 million doses. Do we store those extra shots for third doses, or help the world’s poorest countries get their first?
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“I think we’ve got, what? Six or seven times what we need for our country,” Watts said. “Once we have everyone vaccinated there is a thought that we should definitely make sure we contribute to the world vaccination effort.” Because as long as the virus is circulating extensively in other parts of the world, new mutations and variants will arise and be brought into Canada by people coming into our midst.
“At the same time, we don’t want to start from zero again if we need boosting,” said Watts. The vaccines are good. A vaccine with 90 to 95 per cent protection after two doses is exceptionally good, she said. But just how durable that immunity is remains a bit of a black box.
Several thousand people are enrolled in a U.K. trial testing the effects of a third dose on people’s immune responses. Researchers are testing seven different vaccines to determine whether three is better than two. Early results are expected in September.
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Boosters are also an issue for Canada’s national COVID-19 immunity task force. “People are getting their second shot, and getting the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you’ve got good protection against hospitalization and severe disease and death,” said Dr. Catherine Hankins, co-chair of the task force and a professor in McGill University’s School of Population and Global Health. But the science is evolving. “We don’t know is that good for six months? Is it good for two years?”
Twenty-six per cent of eligible Canadians are now fully vaccinated and the country is seeing a “strong and steady decline” in disease, Canada’s chief public health officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, told a Friday press briefing.
COVID’s Delta variant, however, is worrying, because it appears to be escaping some immunity from vaccines, and, according to the modelling, may result in a greater than originally expected fall or winter surge.
But it’s not clear what evidence should be used in deciding if — or when — boosters might be needed, Hankins said. Tracking breakthrough infections in people who were fully vaccinated? Is it because of a variant or waning immunity? Scientists are trying to get a deeper understanding of the thresholds, or correlates of protection, the level of neutralizing antibodies required to protect from COVID. “We think that having antibodies is a good sign. We haven’t exactly figured out what level you need,” Watts said.
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And who would need this annual booster? “If you had to prioritize, you’d want your most vulnerable people, the ones that have more difficulty mounting an immune response,” Hankins said, including older people, long-term care residents, the immune compromised and people with transplanted organs.
The issue of storing versus sharing arises not only for boosters, but also for the under 12’s. Vaccines for children under 12 could be available in the fall, depending on the outcome of ongoing trials, but is it morally defensible to be vaccinating children in richer nations, while the pandemic rages in other countries, threatening the elderly, healthcare workers and other vulnerable populations while increasing the risk of new variants being spun off?
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“It’s a huge debate. The pediatric one is hot now,” Hankins said. WHO estimates 11 billion doses will be needed to vaccinate 70 per cent of the world’s population to end the pandemic, without even considering boosters or under 12’s, Hankins said. “So, how do we get there?”
At the G7 summit in Britain, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged 13 million surplus COVID shots to poorer countries, and said Canada would pay for the purchase and distribution of 87 million more. Of the 1.8 billion vaccines given globally, less than one per cent has been administered in low-income countries.
Some infections and some vaccines give life-long immunity. People are monitoring for breakthrough infections in the fully vaccinated. “But we’re also seeing the people who’ve recovered (from COVID), 80 to 85 per cent of them are protected at least to eight to nine months,” Watts said. “The immunity didn’t disappear quickly, like people worried at the beginning.”
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If antibody levels prove a reasonable correlate of protection, Hankins expects people might want to know. Less than five per cent of the general population show no antibodies after vaccination. “There are going to be people probably heading towards private sector or other providers and saying, ‘Just test me. Just tell me that I got antibodies.’ And, eventually down the line, those companies, and perhaps even medical and public health laboratories, will be able to add a more quantitative aspect and say, ‘Yeah, you’re high, or you’re medium,’” Hankins said.
There’s always a certain waning of circulating antibodies, Watts said. But even if antibody levels drop, white blood cells — T and B cells — left over from the initial vaccine response can be reactivated quickly if someone is exposed to SARS-CoV-2, so that any infection would likely be mild in most.
Heaven knows how WHO came up with a two-year mark, she and Hankins said. “Two years is a complete guess, obviously,” Watts said. “We’re still in the middle of the pandemic.”
• Email: skirkey@postmedia.com | Twitter: sharon_kirkey

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June 26, 2021 at 05:02PM
Will we need a COVID vaccine booster? Fall unlikely, but spring a possibility - National Post
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